
Example Site Survey Report

Accurate Data with Efficient Reporting You Can Trust. Herzan site surveys are a comprehensive and complete suite of services tailored for research individuals and instrument users requiring a full understanding of the ambient noise conditions of a room. All site surveys are capable of measuring vibration, acoustic, and EMI noise within any operating environment.

A specialist from Herzan will arrive to perform the site survey, including the sensors required to measure the type of noise needed for your application (i.e. vibration, acoustic, and/or EMI noise).

The end result of a site survey is a fully detailed report, outlining the data within the sites measured, observations of potential noise sources, analysis of data and local noise sources, and recommendations on improving the conditions of the room.


Quick Site Surveys with the Push of a Button

Popular applications requiring a site survey be performed by a Herzan environmental specialist include:

  • Instrument Manufacturers Planning An Instrument Installation
  • Vibration, Acoustic, and EMI Consulting Companies
  • Architectural Companies
  • MRI Planning/Consulting Companies
  • RF Shielding Preparation Companies
  • And More!


The process of this service and how Herzan strives to deliver the best value to its customers is briefly described below:

STEP 1: Measuring Site Survey Data

WaveCatcher Carrying Case
  • The process of a Herzan site survey begins with a Herzan environmental specialist arriving at the customer location to measure the data in the customer designated locations. The Herzan environmental specialist will bring the WaveCatcher: Herzan’s compact and complete site analysis tool, to measure the data for further analysis. The WaveCatcher was developed to deliver accurate and quick data in a mobile, user-friendly package, making it the perfect companion tool for site surveys.

STEP 2: Compiling Data and Operating Conditions

  • Once the site survey data has been taken at the designated locations, the environmental specialist will send the data back to Herzan’s technical team for organization and observations. The site survey data is then broken down into the designated locations measured, with full contextual information highlighted throughout to keep in mind potential noise generating sources within the measured location.

STEP 3: Detailing Observations and Analyses

  • Once the data has been organized and characterized, a Herzan technical specialist will analyze the data. Analysis of the data includes: 1) Comparing measured data with instrument/application technical specifications, 2) Association of peak data with noise sources in the room based on extensive knowledge of environmental conditions, and 3) Comparing different measured locations to determine the optimal operating location based on the instrument/application noise specifications.

STEP 4: Preparing Completed Site Survey Report with Recommendations

  • Once the data compilation and analysis has completed, the site survey report will be written, with full understanding of the environment, instrument/application sensitivities, analysis of data measured, observations of surrounding conditions, and recommendations on how to improve the ambient conditions of the room (if necessary). The end result takes approximately one week to compile once the data has been measured.