The AVI-600 platforms provide industry-leading active vibration isolation performance (starting at 0.5 Hz) for the precision research industry’s largest instruments (e.g. TEMs). The AVI-600 platforms help users achieve more from their instruments by removing disruptive low frequency vibration noise from affecting the quality of their measurement data. The AVI-600 platforms incorporate a low-profile and modular design, simplifying the installation process by not requiring lifting equipment for installation for a majority of instruments (including most SEMs).
The AVI-600 is available in three standard sizes: AVI-600S, AVI-600M, and AVI-600XL.
The AVI-600 platforms support a wide range of high-load microscopes and other research instruments sensitive to low-frequency vibration noise. The most common application for the AVI-600 platforms is electron microscopy, where they have supported both scanning electron microscopes and transmission electron microscopes with great success. End users and OEMs around the world find the low-profile nature of the AVI-600 platforms favorable versus competing solutions as it simplifies the installation process and removes the need for persistent maintenance.
In addition to SEMs and TEMs, the AVI-600 platforms often support:
- Ultra-High Vacuum Scanning Probe Microscopes (UHV-SPM)
- Lithography tools
- High precision metrology tools
- Spectrometry instruments
- And More!

The transmissibility graph represents the vibration isolation performance of the AVI-600 Series over a frequency domain. The performance data is representative of all rotational modes of vibration (all six degrees of freedom) and should serve as a conservative estimate of performance customers can receive when pairing their instrument with an AVI-600 platform.
Performance Upgrade – LFS System
The AVI-600 Series can improve its low-frequency vibration isolation performance by pairing it with the LFS System (Low Frequency Sensor). This upgrade enables the platform to isolate vibrations starting at 0.5 Hz and can be easily retrofitted for existing systems in the field. More details on the upgraded performance can be found below.
Performance Comparison Images
Two researchers operating different SEMs imaged unique samples under two conditions: without a vibration isolation system and with an AVI platform. The resulting images demonstrate a significant improvement in image quality and overall measurement clarity when an AVI platform is used to support an SEM.
Technical Specifications