In This Issue

Save Big During Herzan’s Fall Savings Event
Herzan is excited to announce the return of its Fall Savings Event! This event allows researchers to save big on Herzan’s most popular products (up to $3,500), available to new and existing customers for a limited time: 12/31/2019. Many of these promotions are being offered for the first time, so don’t don’t delay, start saving today!
Existing Customers: receive a free upgrade to the latest version of the WaveCatcher software, with the purchase of a current Analog to Digital Converter (a $3,500 value!).
- [NEW] New Customers: receive the WaveCatcher’s Data Logging Upgrade Module FREE with the purchase of any WaveCatcher site survey tool.
TS Series
Save 20%: researchers can save 20% on the purchase of any TS Table when an order is submitted by 9/30/2019.
- [NEW] Free Accessory or Upgrade: instead of receiving a 20% discount, researchers can choose from a range of free accessories or upgrades to complement their research with the TS table.
Custom Acoustic Enclosures
Savings On Custom Models: save up to 15% on select pre-built custom acoustic enclosures while supplies last. These enclosures were designed to help researchers achieve maximum acoustic isolation performance, while offering maximum accessibility and quality. Supplies are limited, so act fast!
Don’t Forget to Stop By! ISTFA and MRS 2019 Tradeshows
Herzan is excited to share with ISTFA and MRS attendees how it can help improve their research by understanding and removing disruptive environmental noise.
Also, there will be giveaways at the booth to bring back to friends and family! Stop by and say hello!

Herzan Highlight: Unlock SEM/TEM Capabilities by Removing Magnetic Fields
Magnetic fields can be the most noticeable and limiting form of environmental noise affecting SEMs and TEMs. AC Fields often present themselves as producing sharp jagged edges (as depicted above), while DC fields often present themselves as wavy lines in the image. This level of disturbance can either limit the ability of the SEM and TEM to retain clarity from the sample being measured or require a mitigation solution.
Fortunately, there are multiple mitigation solutions available based on what best suits the lab or researcher.