Save Money on Site Surveys Using the WaveCatcher
Herzan’s WaveCatcher Site Survey tool is an affordable and accurate solution to measure lab noise for the cost of 2 Site Surveys.
Intro to the WaveCatcher
The WaveCatcher site survey tool has been developed and refined to deliver comprehensive environmental data in a compact, user-friendly package.
Utilizing configurable software features and robust hardware options, the WaveCatcher is able to acquire complex and comprehensive environmental data (vibration, acoustic, and EMI noise) within seconds.
What’s In the Box
Defining your WaveCatcher package is easy: simply let us know what type of environmental noise needs to be measured, across what frequency range, and we will help deliver the best solution to meet your research needs.
WaveCatcher Measurement Capabilities
Why Choose The WaveCatcher
WaveCatcher Promotion
New Year, New Sale!
Save $3,500 on the purchase of a new WaveCatcher when purchased with the WaveCatcher’s Data Logging Module