Helping Researchers Advance Their Projects
During this time of uncertainty and societal lock down, making progress on research can be difficult. Access to facilities, personnel, and vendor resources can be limited given everyone’s collective effort to work remotely and flatten the curve.
Herzan is fortunate to support and partner with some of the most innovative groups combating the pandemic and keeping essential operations in place. Supporting these individuals and their research to benefit society as a whole is why Herzan has developed an initiative to adapt support and services to meet their needs.
Our Plan to Help Researchers
Remote Site Survey Reporting
Why Some researchers Cannot Wait for A Site Survey
Our recent newsletter described why many researchers should wait to perform a site survey, which remains important to follow to guarantee accurate results.
While some researchers are able to postpone measuring data for the time being, many critical businesses and essential services have not slowed operations (in some cases accelerated), contributing greater noise levels for their research equipment.
To support these researchers in their need to measure and control noise, Herzan has expanded its WaveCatcher Rental Program for researchers wanting to perform ongoing measurements, as well as created a Remote Site Survey program.
What Is A Remote Site Survey?
Remote site surveys provide the same level of environmental detail as on-site site surveys, while saving money (50% off) and remaining socially distant.
Researchers are eligible to rent any WaveCatcher site survey tool to capture vibration, acoustic, and/or EMI measurement data directly. Herzan’s engineering team will be available to validate the data captured and analyze/report on the data once received.
Information Needed to Configure the WaveCatcher

Researchers interested in scheduling a remote site survey or want to rent a WaveCatcher, should provide the following to Herzan’s engineering team:
- Type of Noise Being Measured: Vibration, Acoustic, and/or EMI
- Frequency Range Being Measured
- Environmental Specifications for Instrument/Application
- Measurement Type Required: FFT or Ongoing Data Logging
Remote Installation Support
Researchers no longer have to delay finalizing their microscope as Herzan’s environmental solutions can now be installed virtually.
Herzan’s team of engineers have created a Remote Installation Support Program for the AVI Series, Spicer Systems, and SEM enclosures. This program delivers visual resources (i.e. 3D Models, Drawings, etc.) and video conferencing support to ensure customers can successfully address the noise in their lab, while ensuring the environmental solution is properly installed.
3D Modeling Offers Complete Visibility
Herzan’s engineering team is experienced in designing 3D models and drawings for all of its products. Additionally, Herzan’s team has extensively worked with a variety of instruments to specifically optimize the installation procedures.

Virtual Installation Assistance
Modern video conferencing makes facilitating remote installations seamless, allowing researchers to access readily available engineers at Herzan to guarantee the installation is a success.
Researchers will have access to a Herzan engineer before the installation to review the meticulously outlined installation plan, as well as have access during the installation if any questions arise.
The cost for remote installation support will be considerably less than traditional installation services, saving researchers money, while affording them the opportunity to advance their research setup in the process.
We are here for you, all of you, whenever and however needed.