Herzan Helps All SEM/TEMs Achieve Maximum Resolution

For over two decades, Herzan has helped end users and manufacturers create the quietest operating environment for their electron microscope. Herzan’s mission is to help researchers maximize the quality of data collected by their electron microscope by designing research-grade environmental solutions to isolate acoustic, vibration, and EMI noise under any ambient lab conditions. Learn how Herzan’s Scalable Active… Read More

Big WaveCatcher Update: Ver. 3.6, Quick Guide Videos, and More

Big WaveCatcher Update

[caption id="attachment_5296" align="alignright" width="300"] WaveCatcher Site Survey Tool[/caption]

Herzan continues to refine and upgrade it’s compact and complete site survey tool: the WaveCatcher. The latest WaveCatcher update showcases how Herzan’s team utilizes user feedback and in-field reports to optimize the user experience and bring heavily requested features to the platform.

Herzan continues to develop new features, as well as improve existing user experiences, so WaveCatcher users can confidently and quickly capture data for their research purposes. The following features have been added to the WaveCatcher in Version 3.6.

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